The Nichijou television series underwent a revival during the winter of 2021, orchestrated by Kyoto Animation, which transformed it into a captivating light novel series in Japan. The manner in which the series transitioned from manga to anime set it apart significantly from its contemporaries. The feature-length film, penned by Rui Tsukiyo, was adeptly adapted into an anime by the esteemed Japanese studio, TNK. This work has emerged as one of the studio’s flagship productions, garnering international attention as it was licensed by Sentai Filmworks. Conceptualized between January 13, 2021, and March 31, 2021, the anime episodes were broadcast during the designated timeframe. Notably, this engaging anime has been presented to audiences through various esteemed channels, including AT-X, Tokyo MX, KBS, SUN, and BS11, lending an air of intrigue to its second season. The question now lingers, will the second season of this anime grace our screens?
Healers were once unable to band together, a widely understood notion until circumstances took a darker turn. The protagonist of Redo of Healer began to view himself as a victim of abuse, realizing the potential for exploiting the art of healing. However, this distorted reality would soon be unveiled, revealing the absolute truth. The artist known as Keyaru would uncover the profound power lying within healing magic, deeming it the mightiest class in the world. Through the use of the Philosopher’s Stone and harnessing her healing prowess, Keyaru embarked on a journey four years into the past. This chronicles the tale of a magical healer who seizes the opportunity to rebuild his life over the course of those four years.
As of May 2022, neither the esteemed light novel publisher Kadokawa nor the renowned anime studio TNK have yet announced the renewal of a second season for the anime. The inaugural season of Redo of Healer reached its conclusion on March 31, 2021. It is common for many animes to receive renewal for a second season during their season finales. Alas, Redo of Healer was not one of those fortunate few. However, considering the elapsed six-year hiatus before the latest release of Redo of Healer, it remains plausible that a second season may be forthcoming, particularly as official news pertaining to the future release is gradually gaining momentum. Let us now delve into those factors together.
The foundation of the original series, the light novel, is the creative work of Rui Tsukiyō, complemented by Shionbō’s masterful illustrations. The light novel, serialized by Kadokawa Shoten since July 1, 2017, has currently reached its ninth volume. The ongoing manga adaptation also contributes to the prospects of future anime episodes, offering audiences a chance to revisit the light novel’s narrative. With nine volumes already published, there is ample material to potentially fuel a fourth anime season. Those eager to discover the continuation of the story can anticipate unexplored events after the release of new seasons in the absence of adapted volumes.